Aadvantage Legal Services - Chapp Law Firm, P.C.
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Internet Resources

As a service to our current and prospective clients, we provide a guide to the most frequently-visited URL addresses.

Please take a moment to browse, and you'll appreciate both its breadth and value. In a larger view, the guide is a mark of our overall commitment to delivering the kind of tools and resources our clients need. Even if it goes beyond the realm of traditional legal advice.

As a client, you can expect no less.



Business and Finance

News and Media


Search Engines



  1. Library of Congress
  2. Legislative Branch
  3. Executive Branch
    1. Office of the President
    2. Council of Economic Advisers
    3. Council on Environmental Quality
    4. National Performance Review
    5. National Security Council (NSC) 
    6. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
    7. Office of the First Lady
    8. Office of National Drug Policy
  4. United States Trade Representative (USTR)

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Executive Agencies

  1. Department of Agriculture
  2. Department of Commerce
  3. Department of Defense
  4. Department of Education
  5. Department of Health and Human Services
  6. Department of Housing and Urban Development
  7. Department of the Interior
  8. Department of Justice
  9. Department of Labor
  10. Department of State
  11. Department of Transportation
  12. Department of the Treasury
  13. Department of Veterans Affairs

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Independent Agencies

  1. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
  2. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
  3. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
  4. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  5. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  6. Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
  7. Federal Election Commission (FEC)
  8. Federal Emergency Management Agency
  9. Federal Reserve System
  10. Federal Trade Commission
  11. National Archives and Records Administration
  12. National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
  13. National Transportation Safety Board
  14. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
  15. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  16. Office of Special Counsel (OSC)
  17. Peace Corps
  18. Securities and Exchange Commission
  19. Small Business Administration (SBA)
  20. Social Security Administration (SSA)
  21. US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDC)
  22. United Postal Service
  23. Judicial Branch
  24. Supreme Court

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Federal Circuit Courts

1st Circuit

  1. Maine Bankruptcy
  2. Maine District Court
  3. Massachusetts Bankruptcy Court
  4. Puerto Rico District Court
  5. Rhode Island Bankruptcy Court

2nd Circuit

  1. New York Eastern District Court
  2. New York Northern Bankruptcy Court
  3. New York Southern Bankruptcy Court
  4. New York Southern District Court
  5. Vermont Bankruptcy Court

3rd Circuit

  1. Pennsylvania Eastern Bankruptcy Court
  2. Pennsylvania Eastern District Court

4th Circuit

  1. Maryland District Court
  2. North Carolina Eastern Bankruptcy Court
  3. North Carolina Middle Bankruptcy Court
  4. North Carolina Middle District Court
  5. Virginia Eastern Bankruptcy Court
  6. Virginia Western Bankruptcy Court

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5th Circuit

  1. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
  2. Louisiana Eastern Bankruptcy Court
  3. Louisiana Middle District Court
  4. Louisiana Western Bankruptcy Court
  5. Mississippi Northern District Court
  6. Mississippi Southern District Court
  7. Texas Eastern District Court
  8. Texas Northern Bankruptcy Court
  9. Texas Northern District Court
  10. Texas Southern District/Bankruptcy Courts
  11. Texas Western Bankruptcy Court
  12. Texas Western District Court

6th Circuit

  1. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals
  2. Kentucky Eastern Bankruptcy Court
  3. Kentucky Western District Court
  4. Ohio Northern Bankruptcy Court
  5. Ohio Northern District Court
  6. Michigan Western Bankruptcy/District Ct
  7. Tennessee Middle Bankruptcy Court
  8. Tennessee Western Bankruptcy Court

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7th Circuit

  1. Court of Appeals
  2. Illinois Central District Court
  3. Illinois Northern Bankruptcy Court
  4. Illinois Northern District Court
  5. Illinois Southern Bankruptcy Court
  6. Illinois Southern District Court
  7. Indiana Northern Bankruptcy Court
  8. Indiana Northern District Court
  9. Indiana Southern Bankruptcy Court
  10. Indiana Southern District Court
  11. Wisconsin Western District Court

8th Circuit

  1. Arkansas Eastern District Court
  2. Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals
  3. Iowa Northern Bankruptcy Court
  4. Iowa Northern District Court
  5. Iowa Southern District Court
  6. Minnesota Bankruptcy Court
  7. Missouri Eastern Bankruptcy Court
  8. Missouri Eastern District Court
  9. Nebraska District Court
  10. North Dakota Bankruptcy Court
  11. South Dakota Bankruptcy Court
  12. South Dakota District Court

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9th Circuit

  1. Arizona Bankruptcy Court
  2. California Central Bankruptcy Court
  3. California Central District Court
  4. California Eastern Bankruptcy Court
  5. California Eastern District Court
  6. California Eastern Probation Office
  7. California Northern Bankruptcy Court
  8. California Northern District Court
  9. California Southern Bankruptcy Court
  10. Idaho Bankruptcy/District Court
  11. Nevada Bankruptcy Court
  12. Office of the Circuit Executive
  13. Oregon District Court
  14. Washington Eastern District Court
  15. Washington Eastern Bankruptcy Court
  16. Washington Western Bankruptcy Court
  17. Washington Western District Court

10th Circuit

  1. Colorado Bankruptcy Court
  2. New Mexico Bankruptcy Court
  3. New Mexico District Court
  4. New Mexico Pretrial Services
  5. New Mexico Probation Office
  6. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals
  7. Utah Bankruptcy Court
  8. Utah District Court
  9. Wyoming District Court
  10. Wyoming Bankruptcy Court

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11th Circuit

  1. Alabama Northern District Court
  2. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals
  3. Florida Middle Bankruptcy Court
  4. Georgia Middle Bankruptcy Court
  5. Georgia Middle District Court
  6. Georgia Northern Bankruptcy Court
  7. Georgia Northern District Court

DC Circuit

  1. DC Circuit Court of Appeals
  2. DC District Court

Federal Circuit

  1. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

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Individual States

  1. Alabama
  2. Alaska
  3. Arizona
  4. Arkansas
  5. California
  6. Colorado
  7. Connecticut
  8. Delaware
  9. District of Columbia
  10. Florida
  11. Georgia
  12. Hawaii
  13. Idaho
  14. Illinois
  15. Indiana
  16. Kansas
  17. Kentucky
  18. Louisiana
  19. Maine
  20. Massachusetts
  21. Maryland
  22. Michigan
  23. Minnesota
  24. Mississippi
  25. Missouri
  26. Montana
  27. Nebraska
  28. Nevada
  29. New Hampshire
  30. New Jersey
  31. New Mexico
  32. New York
  33. North Carolina
  34. North Dakota
  35. Ohio
  36. Oklahoma
  37. Oregon
  38. Pennsylvania
  39. Rhode Island
  40. South Carolina
  41. South Dakota
  42. Tennessee
  43. Texas
  44. Utah
  45. Vermont
  46. Virginia
  47. Washington
  48. West Virginia
  49. Wisconsin
  50. Wyoming

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  1. Better Business Bureau
  2. Companies Online
  3. Thomas Register of American Companies
  4. Research Magazine: Featured Companies
  5. EDGAR—SEC Documents
  6. Hoover’s
  7. Reuters
  8. Bloomberg’s
  10. Barron’s
  11. Wall Street Journal
  12. Entrepreneur Magazine
  13. Inc. Magazine
  14. Fortune Magazine
  15. Forbes
  16. Financial Times
  17. American Stock Exchange
  18. New York Stock Exchange
  19. Dow Jones
  20. Standard & Poor’s
  21. Stock Quotes
  22. Stockmaster Stock Charts
  23. Initial Public Offerings
  24. US Chamber of Commerce
  25. Intl Chamber of Commerce

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  1. Newslink
  2. Newspapers Online
  3. PR Newswire
  4. TotalNEWS
  5. Boston Globe
  6. New York Times
  7. Los Angeles Times
  8. Dallas Morning News
  9. San Francisco Examiner
  10. Chicago Sun Times
  11. Washington Post
  12. Rocky Mountain News
  13. USA Today
  14. Times of London
  15. China Daily News
  16. Die Welt (German)
  17. Liberation (French)
  18. Canadian Star
  19. Daily Yomiuri (Japan)
  20. Pravda (Russia)
  21. Blick (Switzerland)
  22. International Herald Tribune
  23. Time Magazine
  24. US News and World Report
  25. New Yorker
  26. Wall Street Journal
  27. ABC
  28. CBS
  29. NBC
  30. CNN
  31. FOX
  32. BBC
  33. National Public Radio
  34. Reuter’s News Service

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  1. Find Law
  2. Thomson West
  3. American Bar Association
  4. Association of Trial Lawyers of America
  5. American Corporate Counsel Association
  6. Legal Marketing Association
  7. Center for Professional Resources
  8. American Arbitration Association
  9. State Bar Associations
  10. Law Library Resource Exchange
  11. The Internet Legal Resources Guide
  12. Legal Research Center
  13. Lawguru.com
  14. Virtual Law Library
  15. Cornell Legal Information Site
  16. Washburn University Legal Information Site

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  1. Yahoo!
  2. Snap
  3. Alta Vista
  4. HotBot
  5. Webcrawler
  6. Metacrawler
  7. InfoSeek
  8. Lycos
  9. LookSmart
  10. 1 Hieros Gamos
  11. The Mining Company
  12. Research-it!
  13. The Internet Sleuth

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  1. National Weather Service
  2. Amazon.com Books
  3. Barnes and Noble
  4. MapQuest
  5. BigBook (Directory)
  6. AT&T 1-800 Directory
  7. WorldPages (Directory)
  8. Switchboard (Directory)
  9. Boy Scouts of America
  10. Consumer Reports
  11. Museums Online
  12. Fodor’s Travel
  13. Expedia (Travel)
  14. The Hotel Guide
  15. USA CityLink
  16. Entertainment Weekly
  17. Movie DataBase
  18. National Geographic
  19. Smithsonian Institute
  20. Museums Online
  21. Currency Converter
  22. Ticketmaster
  23. Kelley Blue Book

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